Signed in as:
Prof. Richard Fleming PhD - Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Wollongong: educator, researcher, consultant; Australia.
John Zeisel PhD, Hon.D.Sc., - I'm Still Here Foundation & The Hearthstone Institute: researcher, provider, educator; USA.
Kirsty Bennett B Arch (Hons), Grad Dip Gerontology, BD (Hons), FRAIA: designer, educator and carer; Australia
Jan Golembiewski PhD - architect at Psychological Design, Sydney Australia: designer and educator; Australia.
Kate Swaffer - CEO and co-founder of Dementia Alliance International. Researcher. Honorary Associate Fellow, University of Wollongong; Australia.
Lynda Henderson - care partner of a person living with a Younger Onset Dementia, Educator and consultant; Australia
Chris Lynch - Deputy CEO & Director of Policy, Communications & Publications, Alzheimer's Disease International; UK.
Dennis Frost - Person Living with Dementia, Chair -Dementia Advisory Group Dementia Friendly Kiama, Member of Dementia Alliance International, Member Dementia Australia Advisory Council, advisory role University of Wollongong Connections Project, Australia
Gerard Quinn - UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UK
Emeritus Professor Bob Woods - Bangor University. Dementia care researcher. Wales, UK
Mary Marshall - Hon. Professor, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
David Kamp, FASLA, LF, NA - Founding Partner, Dirtworks Landscape Architecture, PC, USA
Sharon Johnson - Director of the Hearthstone Institute, USA
Allen Kong - Life Fellow Royal Australian Institute of Architects L F RAIA Director Allen Kong Architect Pty Ltd, Director Indigenous Architecture and Design Victoria, Australia
Kevin Charras, PhD - environmental psychology, director Living lab Ageing and Vulnerabilities at Rennes University Hospital, France
Margaret Calkins, PhD, EDAC, FGSA - Board Chair IDEAS Institute, Cleveland Ohio, USA
Jane Barratt - Secretary General, International Federation on Ageing, part of creating an environment that enable all people to do what they have reason to value.
Maree McCabe – CEO, Dementia Australia, Australia
A/Prof Lyn Phillipson - Principal Research Fellow, University of Wollongong , Australia.
Wendy Miller - author of Sky Above Clouds: Finding our way through creativity, aging, and illness
Daniel C. Potts MD FAAN - Neurologist Founder and President of Cognitive Dynamics Foundation advocate for persons living with dementia and care partners
Fany Cérèse - Associate Atelier AA - Architecture Humaine, Phd in Architecture, researcher, architectural planner, France
Stefanie Auer - Professor for Dementia Studies and Research, Centre for Dementia Studies, Danube University Krems, Austria
Gregg Gorzelle - Associate Director of Research, The Hearthstone Institute, USA
Alban Maino - CEO and founder of Memory Lane TV, USA
Harry R. Moody - retired Vice President for Academic Affairs for AARP; visiting Faculty, Fielding Graduate University, AARP; researcher, educator.
Richard B. St.Maur III - Managing Member, Coordinated Project Solutions, LLC Incorporating the latest research into the design and operations of Dementia Care Facilities, USA
Evan Bass Zeisel - CEO Electronic Bass Entertainment: Creative Consultant, Researcher, Expert in Theatre and Improv-based dementia interactions, USA
Faith Ott - Founder and CEO of Sage Age Strategies, Abe's Garden Founding Board Member, USA
Derek Parker - Architect
Deke Cateau - C.E.O., A.G. Rhodes, USA
Colette Eynard - France
Max Jinnov - CEO of a company selling innovative products for people living with dementia.
Andrea Fabbo, MD, - geriatrician. Chief of Cognitive Disorders and Dementia Unit, Primary Care Department, Health Authority and Services of Modena, Italy and Coordinator of Dementia Project, Emilia Romagna Region, Italy
Victor Regnier FAIA - Professor of Architecture and Gerontology, Researcher, Designer and Advocate of excellent housing and community environments for older frail people, USA.
Galen Cranz, PhD - Sociology Professor Emerita in Architecture Professor of the Graduate School University of California at Berkeley, USA.
Marie-Christine - Montandon Infirmière en Ehpad, DU Éthique et Vulnérabilité, France.
Ed Woll - Architect designing affordable multifamily housing
Dr Natalie Yates-Bolton - Senior Lecturer Nursing, Salford University, UK.
Guizard Thomas - garden designer specialized in therapeutic gardens. Ateliers Guizard, France
M. Dominique Saliou - Business Développer "Santé et Bien Vivre" Crédit Agricole du Finistère France
Valerie Fletcher - Executive Director Institute for Human Centred Design
Sally Siddiqi – Artist, Philadelphia, USA
Nancy Emerson Lombardo PhD - Daughter and cousin of loved people who lived with Alzheimer’s. Co-founder of ADI and of Chicago and Detroit chapters and board member emeritus of US national Alzheimer’s Association, CEO Brain Health and Wellness Center, retired researcher focused on brain healthy lifestyles and nutritional neuroscience. Adj Asst Professor of Neurology at Boston University School of Medicine, USA.
Dr Julie Gross McAdam, PhD - Master of Health Science Aged Services, Author and founder of the MAC.ART program, Australia.
Michael Hagedorn - initiator and chairman of the board KONFETTI IM KOPF e.V., photographer specializing in dementia, social entrepreneur, living near Hamburg, Germany
Daniel Stokols, Ph.D. - Environment-behavior researcher Chancellor's Professor Emeritus Depts. of Psychological Science and Urban Planning and Public Policy School of Social Ecology, SBSG 4553 Program in Public Health UCI Health Sciences University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA 92697-7075 Social Ecology in the Digital Age: Team Scholarship Acceleration Lab UCI Solutions That Scale , USA
Juana Bekinschtein - Dementia Consultant, Practitioner, Educator, Melbourne, Australia
Remi Locquet - directeur EHPAD et EHPAD hors les murs, HSTV,Rennes, France
Jiajing Li,Ph.D - Assistant Professor of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, researcher and architect living in Beijing, China
Denis Phelouzat -president de la SAS d’architecture SEEDin, specialiste en schema directeur d’etablissants de sante, MCO, Psychiatre, personnes agees, France
Michael Skrajner - Director of Research and Innovation, The Hearthstone Institute, Researcher in the United States
Didier SAPY - Executive Director of FNAQPA (National Federation for the Future and the Quality of life of the Elders) - Member of the Executive Board of EAN (European Ageing Network)
Michael Splaine - Splaine Consulting and Recruitment Partners LLC, advocate and consultant
Mrs Emmanuelle Ladet - architect specializing in health and associate, architecture agency Soho Atlas In Fine, Paris, France
Mary Ann Leeper - I have been diagnosed having MCI.
Leslie Clapp - Executive Director Martha's Vineyard Center for Living Offering community connections and programs for people living with dementia and their care partners, USA
Chris Kincaid- CEO of Abe's Garden, USA
Florence Mathieu - CEO Aina, Designer, France
Adj Assoc Prof Felix Pintado - Chief Executive Residential Aged Care, Home Care and Seniors Living Mercy Health
Jacquelyn Holley Pogue - former caregiver, creator and consulting producer of a public television series on Alzheimer's and other dementias, co-creator of annual workshops on this topic, and speaker for this film series at various conferences and events.
Tjeerd Deelstra - director The International Institute for the Urban Environment
Benoit Pilon - PDG ORALAB qui developpe iksia, pour soulager le quotidien des aidants, France
Dr Richard Hawkins - Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Dementia Care, UK
Meredith Banasiak, EDAC, M.Arch. - Director of Research, Boulder Associates Architects
Patricia Jehlen - Senate chair of Joint Committee on Elder Affairs, Massachusetts USA
Tracy Paine - Deputy Chief Executive, Belong, UK
Colum Lowe - The Design Age Institute. UK. Advocate, Activist and Design Thinker in design and ageing, UK
Kevin Miles - State Managing Partner at Gray Puksand Brisbane Studio, Australia
Chris Gage – Director, Plan with Care, Ladder to the Moon: Social entrepreneur working in older age and wellbeing, UK
Maribel Pino PhD - Director of Broca Living Lab (APHP, Paris University), researcher & educator, France
Darryl Carey Architect, Health Designer, Chair New Zealand Health Design Council, New Zealand
Georgia Wallace-Crabbe (Dr.) - Filmmaker, Sometime Design Academic, Relative of Dementia suffer/s, intellectually curious, Australia
St¨üssy Tschudin - RGD / Principal + Creative Director @ Forge Media + Design / Canada + Switzerland
Dana Ullom-Vucelich - Chief HR Officer, Ohio Living, USA
Marc Maxwell – Maxwell Architects LLC, USA
Dr Marion Gluck - Founder and Director Gluck Health London, UK
Keith Francis - Associate + Senior Director of Experience Outcomes Forge Media + Design, Canada, human factors researcher living in Ontario, Canada
Martin Siefering - Architect, Prinicipal, Perkins Eastman Architects
Victoria Herman - community carer.
Matthew Saunders - Architect and Health Facility Planner
Nigel Crisp - member of House of Lords, UK
Elza Costeira D.Sc. - architect, researcher, Director of Latin Americas Relations for Brazilian Association for Development of Healthcare Buildings (ABDEH), Brazil, teacher of post graduate courses in healthcare architecture, Brazil
Pia Kontos - Senior Scientist KITE-Toronto Rehabilitation Institute University Health Network, Canada
Helene Chapuis - physiotherapist
Artemissia-Phoebe Nifli, MSc, PhD - Adjunct Biosciences Professor, researcher, Alzheimer Association volunteer and scientific advisor, Larissa, Greece
Hamish George, Architect - Director, Alexander & Lloyd Australia, former President, PNG Institute of Architects, specialist, social infrastructure for international development assistance, Based in Australia, practicing in through the SW Pacific, Australia and PNG
Marc Sansom - founding director, SALUS Global Knowledge Exchange, engaged in advocacy and knowledge development and dissemination in the field of designing for human and planetary health, including design for ageing and dementia, UK
Emi Kiyota – environmental gerontologist, USA
Naomi A. Sachs - Founding Director, Therapeutic Landscapes Network (Washington, DC) and Assistant Professor, University of Maryland (College Park, MD), USA
Anne-Marie Caire - France
Habib Chaudhury - Professor, Department of Gerontology, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Tom Grey Dip.Arch.B.Arch.Sc.March - Research Fellow, TrinityHaus Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Martin Quirke PhD - Architect and Researcher, Dementia Services Development Centre, University of Stirling. UK
Molly Tyler-Childs - social and community educator with people with dementia, Diaconia Valdese - Rifugio Re Carlo Alberto, Italy
Prof. Ninoslav Mimica, MD, DSc, IFAPA - psychiatrist, Vice-President of Alzheimer Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia
Narendhar Ramasamy - Executive Director Alzheimer's and Related Disorders Society of India
Osman Kučuk - director in Centre for dementia Sarajevo; Bosnia and Herzegovina
Professor Elaine Mateus - President Instituo Não Me Esqueças, carer, researcher, advocate of the cause in Brazil
Tina Leonard - Head of Advocacy and Public Affairs The Alzheimer Society of Ireland
Lesley Palmer - BSc(Hons), MSc, RIBA, RIAS, ARB. - Architect, Practitioner, Researcher, Educator - University of Stirling, Scotland
Jesus Rodrigo - CEO of Spanish Confederation of Alzheimer. Member of the Board of ADI. Member of the Board of Alzheimer Iberoramerica AIB,Spain
Maire-Anne Doyle - carer for my father who is living with vascular dementia. Also a member of the Dementia Carers Campaign Network within the Alzheimer's Society of Ireland
Randi Garber, RPT, EDAC, HWC, WellAP Owner, Healing Spaces Consulting Jerusalem, Israel
Susan Crampton - former family carer for a person living with dementia and member of the Dementia Carers Campaign Network, supported by the Alzheimer Society of Ireland
Clare Cooper Marcus - Professor Emerita, Department of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley, living in the US.
Ingrid Wellington - Presidente de Asociación de Alzheimer de Panamá, Panama
Maria Veronica Faini - Gerente General, Fundación Trascender con Amor, Servicio y Excelencia - TASE
Zbigniew Tomczak - president of the Board of the Polish Alzheimer's Association, Warsaw, Poland
Alzheimers New Zealand
Mary Slater - friend and family member of people who have died from dementia.
Murray Upton - Carer, living in New Zealand.
Julie Ratcliffe PhD - Professor of Health and Social Care Economics, Caring Futures Institute, Flinders University, South Australia.
Sue Irwin - Full time carer of parent living with late stage Alzheimer's Disease. Living in Timaru, New Zealand.
Fiona Munday - Carer for a loved one living with Dementia, Australia
Tanya Revill - Australia
Dubhglas Taylor - Dementia Awareness Advocacy Team (DAAT), care partner, and dementia advocate living in Australia.
Katrina Strickett - Clinical manager in an Aged care facility in New Zealand
Niki Davis- carer and emeritus professor
Ngaire Dixon - Chair, Alzheimers NZ, New Zealand
Dr Eva van der Ploeg - Research Psychologist - Soulful Brain - based in Indonesia - working globally to make life with dementia easier
Ying Chao Kuo - Taiwan
Rosa María Farrés González Saravia - Asociacion Mexicana de Alzheimer y Enfermedades Similares A.C. Federacion Mexicana de Alzheimer Presidenta
Marnie Wilton
Ash Osborne - Senior Consultant, Enabling Environments, Alzheimer's WA, Australia
Sarah Corderoy - Architect, Australia
Eileen Taylor - DAAT, DAI and vice chair of the Dementia Australia Advisory Committee, Australia
Betty Kereama - Coombrae Rest Home Care support worker, New Zealand
Helen Cater - Registered Nurse, New Zealand
Ishtar Govia - Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology, Caribbean Institute for Health Research, The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica: former carer, advocate, researcher.
Dai Kiuchi - Senior Consultant, Mediva Inc. Tokyo, Japan
Katie Wallace - Architectural Assistant, Dementia Services Development Centre, University of Stirling. UK
Eileen Foley – past full time carer of a young person with Dementia, he now is in a NH.
Cristina Maragall Garrigosa, President of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, arquitect and carer. Barcelona, Spain.
Niels Hendriks - Dementia Lab, LUCA School of Arts, Research Coordinator, Belgium
Elizabeth Mutunga, - CEO & Founder Alzheimer's & Dementia Organisation of Kenya
Jacki Liddle, occupational therapist, research fellow, University of Queensland, Australia
Sun Shuzhen Joanna - Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre, Australia
Maria Nicol - Community Advisor and Dementia Educator for Alzheimer's Northland, New Zealand
Jason Burton - Principal Consultant Dementia360, Australia
Meera Pattabiraman - Chair, Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society of India, India
Rosemarie Smith - disability advocate and carer, New Zealand
Jannette Spiering - Founder of The Hogeweyk, worlds first village for people living with dementia. Senior advisor at Be Advice, The Netherlands
Petra du Toit - Executive Director Alzheimer's South Africa, Medical Social Worker, from Bloemfontein, South Africa
Eloy van Hal MSc - Senior advisor Be Advice, Founder The Hogeweyk, The Netherlands
Richard Dolan - member Dementia Carers' Campaign Network, ASI. Former carer of spouse who had early-onset dementia. Living in Ireland
Mel Ottaway- Executive Manager Services to Older People, Australia
Sheree Lavender - Registered Nurse, Clinical Needs Assessor, NMDHB, New Zealand
Gabriel Gallardo Reyes
Carmen Martínez Rodríguez
Fiona Walsh B.Arch FRIAI RIBA ARB - Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health, Global Brain Health Institute. Co-founder & Principal Architect DDS (Dementia Design Specialists). Design and advocacy, UK and Ireland
Veljko Mijic - explores contemporary issues in many, varied places that health and healthcare intersect with the humanities. A former socio-economist experienced with international donors in Southeast Europe.
Jo De Clercq - CEO BV ComfortCare & Attractive2Wear, physiotherapist for people with dementia working in nursing home De Wingerd of Woonzorgnet Dijleland, dementia healthcare entrepreneur, dementia specific designer living in Belgium - Kessel-lo.
Orquidea Tamayo Mortera - President for the New Zealand Society of Diversional and Recreational Therapists Incorporated, New Zealand
Kerrie Burrow - nzdrt registered diversional therapist, New Zealand
Christine Boo - directrice d'établissement pour personnes âgées, France
Jesika Sachdeva - Registered Diversional Therapist, living in Auckland, New Zealand
M. Carmen Garmendia Lasa - Presidenta del Patronato Matia Fundazioa, Spain
Jan Vanwezer - Director , De Wingerd , Leuven, Belgium
Margaret McNab - volunteer in Residential Aged Care, living in Australia
Kerry Schelks - Managing Editor, Australian Journal of Dementia Care
Professor Alan Dilani - Architect / Public Health International Academy for Design and Health, Sweden
Moira Parfitt - Enniskillen Carer to husband Ray
Ray Parfitt - Enniskillen Advocacy member living with dementia
Sara Marberry - healthcare and senior living design knowledge expert, writer, and marketing consultant.
Elizabeth Drew - Residential Aged, Area Manager, Queensland Australia
AnnIka Maya Rivero PhD - Designer, educator, researcher and consultant, Mexico
Christopher Shaw, RIBA - Company Founder Medical Architecture, Chair Architects for Health. Living in the United Kingdom.
Mayte Sancho - Patronato de la Fundación Matía, Spain
Rochelle Amour - Researcher and Knowledge Exchange Consultant living in Jamaica
Ann-Marie Deeker - working with people with dementia in Australia
Tara Puspitarini Sani - Research Coordinator at Alzheimer Indonesia; Lecturer at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
Environmental Psychology Researcher @ Tianmei's World Academy: person who believes that all people are equal and should be serviced according to their own needs beyond a "one-size-fits-all" approach, China
Erkuden Aldaz – Basque Country
Sean Mackell - person living with dementia, Ireland
Wilhelmina Hoffman - President Swedish Dementia Centre Sveavägen 155 113 46 Stockholm, Sweden
Prof Stephen Cornelissen - Group CEO, Mercy Care, Australia
Richard Ward, PhD - Senior Lecturer in Dementia Studies, University of Stirling, UK
Rodrigo Rizek Schultz - President of FEBRAZ, Brazilian Federation of Alzheimer’s Association Brazil
Luciane Ponte de Melo - international affairs coordinator at ABRAz, Brazil.
Paulo César Bacarin - voluntário na ABRAz, Brasil. Administrador aposentado.
Carolyn J McCully - Board Chair of Alzheimers Whanganui, New Zealand
Mitchell Wright - Architectural Graduate at Fabric Architecture Studio. NSW, Australia
Delphine Dupre-Lévêque – founder of the ‘Stop Isolation’ (‘Stop à l’isolement’) page, France
Josep Bohigas Arnau - Architect, professor ETSAB, UPC. Director of Barcelona Regional and Arquitectes de Capçalera, Spain
I Carlota Pérez Aguilar - CEO of CALMTAG ( Startup working on designing safety products and services for dependant people. Based in Spain
Cristiane Costa Rodrigues - Belo Horizonte Brazil - carer for my mother who is living with Alzheimer since 2019, Brazil
Janice Porto – provider of security bars, guardrails, sink support bar, towel rack, shoe laces, cutlery, door handles, Brazil
Ana Lucia de Castro Teixeira - Brazil
Terri Preece - Senior Environments Consultant, Dementia Training Australia: educator, networker; Australia
Julia Trevisan - Founder at LAR.i (home adaptations for people who want to live in place), located in Brazil
Janis Joplin
AFEAM - Asociación De Familiares De Enfermos De Alzheimer De Madrid, Spain.
Alexandre Rocha MSc - PhD student at USP, co-founder at LAR.i (home adaptations for people who want to live in place), located in Brazil
Raphael Corgosinho Leite Matos - caregiver of person with dementia. MG, Brazil
Rebecca Hogan - dementia advocate, volunteer to the Board of Dementia Alliance International, Chair of Leading Age Services Australia Next Gen National Council and Founder 3C Management.
Rebecca Hogan, dementia advocate, volunteer to the Board of Dementia Alliance International, Chair of Leading Age Services Australia Next Gen National Council and Founder 3C Management.
Denise Alves Baptista - Médica Projeto Cérebro em Ação Voluntária (Medical Project Brain in Voluntary Action), Brazil
Carol Geitens
Kevin Bennett PhD - psychology professor at Penn State University in the United States.
Maria ines de castro
Dr. Paul Kiwanuka-Mukiibi - Executive Director and Founder Board member (General Secretary) of Uganda Alzheimer Association (UAA): health research and policy specialist; former carer living in Uganda.
Stefani Danes FAIA - architect and teacher, USA
Alison Locke
Assumpció Puig Degana - College of Architects of Catalonia, Spain
Ieva Petkutė - Lead of "Dementia Lithuania", Artistic Director at NGO "Socialiniai meno projektai", Senior Fellow of the Global Brain Health Institute, Lithuania
Melora Jackson - Virtual Dementia Tour Clinical Manager for Second Wind Dreams in the US
Nick Seemann - Constructive Dialogue Architects, Australia
Roger Burden - Architect and Facility Planner. Melbourne, Australia
Christine While - training consultant (Dementia Training Australia) and research fellow (La Trobe University), past carer, Melbourne, Australia
Joanne Willson - carer and architect, Australia
Leanne Willson - daughter & carer of person living with dementia, Australia
Laura Pezzano
Susan Emerson - Manager Aged Care Development, UnitingSA, South Australia
Kim McRae - Advocate for People Living With Dementia (previous caregiver); Inventor, About Face Technologies; Co-Founder, Culture Change Network of Georgia (; Educator and Mentor, The Eden Alternative, USA
Liza Magarry - Australia
Debbie de Fiddes – CEO of de Fiddes Design and founding partner of Evoke Collective Australasia: Interior designer for aged care, specialist consultant and researcher, Australia
Rahzeb Choudhury - True Doors, Advocate for Person-Centred Care, The Netherlands
Cecilia Goijman Psiquiatra - Argentina
Chair, Leading Age Services Australia - Next Gen National Council. Volunteer to the Board of Dementia Alliance International, Dementia Advocate, Australia
Nikki Beckman - National director of research at Marchese Partners , Architect & Researcher, Living in Melbourne, Australia
P. K. Lee - Master of Dementia, Design Principal at Red Design Studio for Aged Care and Healthcare Design, Australia
Rachael McCarthy - Studio Director of Architecture and Interior Design firm, Bates Smart, Psychology student, Australia
Ans Tummers - University of Technology Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Diane Corser - Lifespan Health Clinical & gero-psychologist, Australia
Daniella Greenwood - international consultant focusing on human rights policy and practice for people in later stage dementia, Australia
Michelle Harris Allsop RN - Dementia Consultant, Australia
Catherine Livingstone - President, The Opal Season Company, Canada
Tara Quirke- Dementia Consultant and Advocate, Australia
Bob Scarfo, PhD, Emeritus Landscape Architecture & Urban Design - with Land and Life® LLC in Spokane, Washington, USA
Caroline Treacy - Grey Space Architecture, Architect designing homes and environments for people with dementia, Carer of person with Dementia, Australia
Sean McKeown - Publisher Inside Ageing, Australia
Toni Fisk-Reece CDP, CMDCP, CDM CFPP - Published Author #dinewithdignity Unlocking the Mystery of Dementia and Dining New York, USA
Colin McDonnell - Dementia Consultant Calvary Care, Australia
Christine Thelker - Author: “For this I am Grateful Living well with Dementia”, Alumnia Board of Directors Dementia Alliance International, Member Dementia Advocacy Canada
Rose Ong - Co-founder and member of The YODA Group associated with Memory Lane Home Living Inc. a Canadian non-profit charity advocating for the rights of Dementia affected adults in our community, Canada
Tara Graham-Cochrane - Landscape Architect, Australia
Fallon Forbes – Service Manager (Environments) Dementia Training Australia, Australia
Hao Huang - Texas A&M University, USA
Eugene Meegan - Board Member, Heathcote Dementia Alliance, Heathcote, Australia
Sandra Slatter - President - Heathcote Dementia Alliance Inc - Victoria - Australia
Rose (Girouard) Ong - I am a woman living with Vascular Dementia for about 29 years, a Board Member with Memory Lane Home Living Inc as well as a co-founder of The YODA Group (Young Onset Dementia Action Group) where we are putting together a plan for dementia-friendly businesses and communities in York Region, Ontario - Canada
Tiffany Easton PhD – Research Fellow, Health Economics, Griffith University; Australia
Linda Blyth - Occupational Therapist; Bunbury, Western Australia
Claire Torgerson -person living with dementia
Belinda Seale B.Arch (Hons), RAIA - Principal Architect at Haptic Space, Melbourne, Australia
Person Living with Dementia and an Advocate.
Shannon Chin - CEO of Fit Minds Australia, Advocate for people living with dementia, Cognitive Stimulation Specialist, brain health advocate, Australia
A/Professor Colm Cunningham - Director, The Dementia Centre, Conjoint Associate Professor, University of New South Wales Australia
Care provider for mother prior to her death in July 2019.
Dr. Diane Kitchell - Adjunct Faculty, Boston Architectural College, Chicago area, USA
Sally Grosvenor - Communications at The Dementia Centre, HammondCare, Australia
Datin Jacqueline WM Wong - Hon. Advisor, demensia Brunei. Brunei Darussalam
Alison Dawson - Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the Centre for Environment, Dementia and Ageing Research (CEDAR), University of Stirling, Scotland.
Cortney (Ewald) Borges, OTD, OTR/L - an environmental design advocate, 2018 OTD Capstone project intern with DTA on dementia-friendly community assessment tools, grand-daughter of a person with dementia, USA
John Henry ARBV FRAIA - Director of John Henry Architects, Melbourne, Australia
Michael B. Friedman - Adjunct Associate Professor, Columbia University School of Social Work, USA
Mary Ann Jackson - Director Visionary Design Development Pty Ltd, PhD Candidate (topic: built environment accessibility), Melbourne, Australia
Angela Roennfeldt – architect, Australia
Ruth Payne - Senior Development Manager, Villa Maria Catholic Homes, Australia
Macarena Espina Díaz - Designer. Director of Living with Dementia I+d Design Studio, Chile
Ignacio Foyatier - Architect and Urban Planner, Aged People focused, Argentina
Ana Gratacos - president Asociacion de Alzheimer de Puerto Rico
Sarah-kaye Page - dementia education provider, Austcare, Australia
Socorro Pastrana - Asociación de Alzheimer de Puerto Rico, Canovanas , Puerto Rico
Alister Robertson - Chair, Dementia Alliance International, Board member of Alzheimers New Zealand, person living with dementia residing in New Zealand
Lee Clunes - Age Friendly Project Officer at Yarra Ranges Council, supporting Dementia Friendly Communities initiative, living in Victoria, Australia
Jayne M. Clairmont - Dementia/Alzheimers expert/Consultant, Consultant with HealthPartners Organization Minnesota, Currently serve with Dementia Action Alliance as National Board Member, former CEO and Owner of English Rose Suites, b.home Home Care, Minnesota, former Board Chair Alzheimers Association MN. ND, former Member Minnesota Board on Aging, USA
Teresa Atkinson - Senior Research Fellow, The Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester, England
Widya Zulkassim - Registered Nurse with post-grad in gerontology nursing, current student of Bachelor of Dementia Care, Melbourne ,Australia
Saskia Kuliga - researcher, signing as private person, Germany
Nathan Stephens - PhD Student at the Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester and informal dementia caregiver, England
Kerstin Ackermann-Lloyd - Occupational Therapist working with individuals living with dementia, UK
Ezter Praolini - Carer, Australia
Ben Levesque - CEO, Finley Regional Care, Australia
Anne Fahsold - Registered Nurse, PhD student Nursing Science, signing as private person, Germany
Maria O'Reilly - Senior lecturer occupational therapy; Dementia researcher; Bundaberg, Australia
Stephen Geason - Director, architect at Cykel Architecture, Australia
Toni Neck - Thinke Design – Director, Australia
Marilyne Goulard - Segment manager for Healthcare and Aged care @ Tarkett, France
Esther Wiskerke - Founding Director, Symbiosia Community Interest Company, UK
Sarah Bowman - Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Ireland
Tetsuro Ishihara M.D., PhD – Director, Ishihara Neuro Cognitive Clinic, Japan
Natasha Layton - Occupational therapist, Australia
Emily Ong - Board Member of Dementia Alliance International, Singapore
LiYu Tang - Founder and Advisor, Taiwan Alzheimer's Disease Association, Taiwan
Yang, Chi-Cheng – researcher, Taiwan
Ella Critchley - Australia
Lisa Poole - family care partner, Dementia Advocacy Canada Co-chair, Canada
Peta Hardy - Occupational Therapist living in Sydney, Australia
Neal Taylor – CEO, Holy Fools Inc, son of a Mother with Dementia, placemaker, Australia
Stacey A Hawkins - Director Research and Evaluation, Seniors Care Network, Ontario, Canada
Dale Morehouse - Canada
Jon Parr-Vijinski MSc. - Doctoral Candidate. Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary, Canada
Michael Suchocki - Canada
Mitzi Murray - Executive Director, THIRD ACTion Film Festival & dementia carer, Canada
Frank Palmer - family care partner, Dementia Advocacy Canada, Canada
Kevin O’Farrell - Dementia Advocacy Canada, Advisor, Canada
Dean Henderson - Director of Client Experience, Education and Innovation at The Dementia Society, Ottawa, Canada
Adetola Grillo - Nipissing University, Research Fellow, Canada
Sherry L. Dupuis - Professor and Co-Director, Partnerships in Dementia Care Alliance, University of Waterloo, Canada
David Harvey - producer Dementia Dialogue podcast, Canada
Megan E. O'Connell, Ph.D., R.D.Psych. - University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
Rita DeLongchamp-Osborne - Care-Partner and Spouse of person diagnosed with Alzheimer's form of Dementia. Retired. Public Schools City of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Debbie Keay - living with dementia, Canada
Rev'd Faye Forbes - Person living with Dementia, Nova Scotia, Canada
Jennifer Bethell, PhD - Affiliate Scientist, The KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Canada
Matthew Dineen - care partner to wife living with dementia, Dementia Advocacy Canada, Canada
Yun-ching Chen - social worker living in Taiwan
Rita DeLongchamp-Osborne - Canada
Ellen Snowball - interdisciplinary artist from Toronto, Canada
Valerie Schache - PLWD YOD and a passionate advocate for all people especially those with disabilities especially the various dementias, Australia
Gerard Mansour - Commissioner for Senior Victorians and Ambassador for Elder Abuse Prevention, Australia
Michele Barry – Frontis, Australia
Rosemarie Draper - Aged Care Social Worker, carer of a person living with dementia. Victoria, Australia
Anne Muldowney - Aged Care Policy Adviser and carer of person living with dementia, Australia
Lakshmanan Sathish Kumar - Senior Physiotherapist/ Therapist in charge at long term care home, trainer for person-centred care model. Singapore.
Sonia Short - CEO Wrist-Assured, Ireland
Enrique Blanco - Associate Director, Life3A - Design/Research/Strategy for dementia, Australia
Harry Moyle - Chairperson, Caladenia Dementia Care, Mooroolbark, Victoria, Australia.
Kathryn Bramwell - Young Senior, living in Melbourne Australia interested in good community design that welcomes all.
Judy Cornish - Founder of the Dementia & Alzheimer's Wellbeing Network (DAWN) Creator of the DAWN Method, USA
Rhonda Nay – Emeritus Professor, Australia
Sarah Howe - Specialist Occupational Therapist for people living with Dementia, NHS UK, and founder of ‘Remember Mercy’, transforming the way we think about Dementia, UK
Peter Worthy - Post doctoral researcher The University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia
Liz Lester - Occupational Therapist & care partner of a person living with dementia
Suzanne O'Sullivan - person living with younger onset vascular dementia, dementia advocate, living in Australia
Annemarie Baldrick - Occupational Therapist. Dementia Services, Northern Ireland
Gwen Liddle - Occupational Therapist, Australia
Glenys Petrie - Community Representative and Dementia Research Advisor; Support person to both parents diagnosed with dementia and partner, living with Younger Onset Dementia; Coordinator of Brisbane-based ‘Remember Me’ friendship group; Co-Chair ‘StepUp for Dementia Research’; advocate for improving public spaces and community environments, Australia
Kirrily McVey - Occupational Therapist.
Helga Rohra - author and campaigner - Living with Dementia ( LBD)- DZNE ( Patient Council)- residing in Munich, Germany
Karen Lee-Steere - Senior Occupational therapist, Program Manager -Eat Walk Engage Program, Royal Brisbane & Womens Hospital Internal Medicine & Aged Care Department, Australia
Veronica Clarke - care partner to my husband who lives with Younger Onset Dementia, Western Australia
Carol Ma - Associate Professor & Head of Gerontology Programmes, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Fran Hamilton - Occupational Therapist, Consultant and Trainer, UK.
Dr Jane M Mullins - Dementia Nurse Consultant Author of Finding the Light in Dementia, a Guide for Families, Friends & Caregivers Founder of Finding the Light in Dementia Training & Wellbeing Hub Director DUETcare Ltd Researcher, Awen Institute, Swansea University, UK
Sandra Smith - Occupational Therapist
Adrian Tan - co-founder of SG Assist supporting seniors and caregivers in Singapore
Humberto Betancourt - Professor of Architecture of design courses focused on diverse user populations, in particular persons with Alzheimer, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Stephanie, O.K. WONG - Social Work Consultant, Certified Dementia Care Planner, Hong Kong Family Welfare Society;ex~dementia caregiver, Hong Kong
Michelle Hetherington - Occupational Therapist
Andrea Price - PhD candidate, Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre, University of Tasmania, Australia
Fengpei Yuan - Graduate Research Assistant in University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
Vidya Shenoy - Secretary General, Alzheimer’s & Related Disorders Society of India (ARDSI), Hon. Secretary ARDSI Mumbai Chapter. Member, Maharashtra State Mental Health Authority (MSMHA). Founder, Smriti Vishvam: Universe of Memory, Specialised Dementia DayCare Centre, Mumbai, India.
Theresa (Terrie) Montgomery - Dementia Alliance International (DAI) Board Member Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) Advisory Board Member Alzheimer's Association PERSONS LIVING WITH DEMENTIA PANEL & National Early Stage Advisor Alumni National Council of Dementia Minds Advocate, USA
Satoko Hotta PhD -Professor, Graduate School of Health Management, Keio University/Lead, Designing for Dementia HUB, JAPAN
Dr. David L. Paulson - Dementia Alliance International Board Member, USA
Sarah-Jane Brummage - Dementia Consultant, Perth, Western Australia
Debra Anne Keay - Board - Dementia Alliance International; affiliated with Hamilton Council on Agency and Alzheimer's Society of Hamilton; sit on a number if committees locally, nationally and internationally. Canada
Tracey Newman - Impacto Consulting, Working to create organisations that collaborate and create person-centred innovations. Australia
Katarzyna Lion - Research Fellow, Griffith University, Australia
Suman Devkota - Director of Nursing, Goodwin Aged Care Services, Australia
This line marks the introduction of the refined manifesto on the 28th October 2021. The Original Manifesto can be accessed from the menu. The modifications made to the original manifesto are described in the History and Context section.
Julia Nusrallah - 24/7 caregiver for mother-in-law living with Lewy Body Dementia with Parkinsonism Stage 4 Kidney Disease and Diabetes in Texas, USA
Dr. Ing. Birgit Dietz - Architect, Uni. Cert. Responsible for courses on development of hospitals and healthcare facilities at the Technical University of Munich. Recipient of Medal of Merit, an order of merit awarded by the Federal Republic of Germany. At the Bavarian Institute of Architecture for the elderly and cognitively impaired our focus is on the interface between applied industrial and evidence-based research. , Germany
Wil Hendrikx - dementia care student and carer of people living with dementia, Australia
Dra. Florencia Velázquez Morales - Proyecto Plenitud, Inc., Puerto Rico
Dianne McDermid, RN, BN, MEd, Diploma in Dementia Studies - Retired nurse educator; Volunteer working with individuals with young onset dementia, Canada
Dr Maria Aurora Fenech - Lecturer & Researcher, University of Malta; living in Malta
Antonietta Degiorgio - University student reading for Higher Diploma in Geriatrics and Gerontology, Malta
Dr Jorge Juri - director , Rodriguez Ortega Geriatric Hospital, Vicente Lopez, Argentina
Dianne Goeman MA, PhD - Researcher, Victoria, Australia
Manicka Saravanan Subramanian - Consultant Geriatrician, Caring for dementia people, Chennai, India.
Eunice Tan - Manager at Dementia Singapore Ltd; social worker, gerontologist, Singapore
Joana Garcia - Dementia Consultant at The Dementia Centre, Australia
Dallos Rita - social gerontologist, researcher (the topic of PhD research is the stress of a relative caring for a person with dementia), Semmelweis University, Hungary
Matthew Gibb - Director, Dementia Services Information & Development Centre, Ireland
David Fisher - Executive Director Corporate Services, Juniper Aged Care, Western Australia
Therese Doan - Associate Professor of Nursing, San Francisco State University, San Francisco California, USA
Dr. Fei Lian - Associate Professor of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China; secretary general of Committee on Environment-Behavior of the Architectural Society of China
Walkiria Nascimento Valadares de Campos - Enfermeira
Jeremy Porteus - Chief Executive, Housing Learning and Improvement Network, UK. A free knowledge exchange platform championing and exemplifying best practice in housing and care in later life. Co-author of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People 2021 Inquiry report, Housing for People with Dementia: Are we ready? UK
Professor Maurice Mulvenna - Ulster University, Research in technology supporting people with dementia and their carers, UK
Arnout Siegelaar - real-estate consultant and PhD-candidate
Valerie Powell - Age Friendly Orillia Advisory Committee and Green Party of Canada Seniors Critic, Canada
Sue Egersdorff - Founder Ready Generations Charity, bringing pre-school children and older people together through intergenerational nursery schemes, Liverpool, UK
Katharina Klee - supporter - Host of a Zoom-Cafe for people with and without dementia, Germany
Satoshi ISHII, Dr.Eng. - Professor of Architecture, Tohoku Institute of Technology, Japan
Zbigniew Tomczak - Chairperson of Polish Alzheimer's Association, carer, Poland
Susan Stone - Carer and volunteer North Yorkshire, UK
Gina Chiarella - family caregiver to a Dad with Alzheimer's
Kathy Chan - Community nurse and trainer, UK
Julie Ockerby - CEO & Former RN, Meli Studio Australia. Dementia interior designers.
Emily Steel - member, Centre for Universal Design, Australia
Koh Hwan Jing - Director, Community Enablement , Dementia Singapore, Singapore
Sara McCunnie - Registered Architect, specialist in aged-care design, NZ and Australia
Caris Jones - Senior Consultant, Dementia Enabling Environments, Alzheimer’s WA, Australia
Eileen Taylor - Advocate, DAAT, DAI and vice chair of the Dementia Australia Advisory Committee, Australia
Ana - professional working in public sector researching about dementia friendly design to improve social housing Western Australia
Annette Berndt - former family care partner Dementia Advocacy Canada
Naomi Brangan - Dementia Consultant, Australia
Mahi Lau Principal - Aged Care Architecture Design specialist Sydney, Australia
Dorothy Kapetopoulos - Communication Designer, Educator, Carer for my mother who had Alzheimer's, Australia
Chris Fraser – RN, Facilitator, Lead Environmental Auditor, Dementia Australia, Australia
Crystal O'Donnell - Occupational Therapist, Perth, WA, Australia
Dr Pauline Marsh - Senior Lecturer Wicking Centre for Dementia Research and Education University of Tasmania, Australia
Antonio Carvalho – Architect, Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Vicki Barry - care partner, dementia educator and advocate, founder/convenor Young Dementia Network WA, Australia
Sharron Tancred - The Mural Shop, Delivering Unique Art Finishes for the Aged Care industry, Australia
John G Colby AIAE - retired architect with family members facing dementia and accessibility challenges, Loeb Fellow ’72, USA
Robert Garsden MacDonald - Public Advisor ARC NWC Liverpool United Kingdom Architect Researcher Co-Author Publications “ Design for Dementia “ Vols 3 MerseyCare NHS, UK
Iryna Shevchenko - founder and director of "Nezabutni" ("Unforgettable") Charity Foundation, Ukraine
Diane Bushell - postgraduate researcher in dementia and family care partner, UK
Andrew D Seidel PhD MCP BArch – Editor-in-Chief Journal of Architectural and Planning Research (wwwlockesciencecom) Professor of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning and of Architecture (Retired) Texas A&M University Former Professor and Chair School of Environmental Planning University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
Chris Davis - Chief Development Officer, LDK Seniors' Living, Australia
Joanne Ramadge - I am a clinical liaison with LDK Healthcare, Australia
Naoko Yoshida - Japan
Carolyn Bennett - carer of a PLWD who has moved into a residential home living in Perth, Australia
Alessia Morrone - designer, Italy
Dr. Cecil S. Camilleri B.Sc.(Hons), M.Sc., B.Litt.(Hons), Pg.Cert Coaching, Dip.Couns.,
PhD (Charles Sturt Uni), DTech (Deakin Uni), PhD (UniSA) -
Sustainable Wellbeing & Resilience Specialist, Australia
Adeline Reihl - decades of caring for people diagnosed with various forms of Dementia; Social Worker in Long Term Care, Continuous Research student and Advocate for those diagnosed and their family, living in Saskatchewan, Canada
Dr. Shima Sum Phd - Welfare and Cultural Supervisor at Gallipoli home, Sydney, Australia
Jane Wells - Dementia Friendly Communities Community Development Officer, Dementia Australia Perth, Australia
Marc Spadaccini - Architect, Perth, Australia
John H Sanders - United Methodist Church, retired pastor, USA
Dr Linda Carroli -Dementia Friendly Communities Advisory Group with Dementia Australia; Researcher at QUT; Urban, regional and social planner; Writer, Australia
John Armstrong - General Manager, Mirndiyan Gununa Aboriginal Corporation, Australia
Bailey Sturrus - Graduate of Architecture, Australia
Christina Silk - Landscape Architect living working and teaching in Sydney, Australia
Guy Luscombe – Architect, Australia
Cristina Nagore - Occupational Therapist and co-founder of Cuidante "Living well with Alzheimer" Barcelona, Spain
Sofia Alexandra Galeas Ortiz – originally from Ecuador now living in Spain
Margaret Oldfield, PhD, - Social Scientist and Disability Scholar, Canada
Sherry L. Dupuis, PhD - Co-Director, Partnerships in Dementia Care Alliance, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Alice Gormley - Occupational Therapist living in Cavan, Ireland
Cathy McCoy - Democrat, Concerned Citizen
Ruby Lipson-Smith PhD - Researcher, University of Western Sydney, Australia.
Dr. Thomas Jeffrey Buckley - Executive Director for the Roland Center in Los Angeles California creating dementia capable residential, day, and respite services and support, USA
Marney Walker - Independent Occupational Therapist, Research Doctoral degree candidate, Lab4Living Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Majd Gharib - Research and Design Consultant at Cognitive Design and Lead Research Consultant at Principles both in the United States, living in Russia
Laura Stasinowsky - Director Occupational Therapist & Dementia Consultant, Alongside You Pty Ltd., Australia
Aria Yang - Research Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Tsoi tsz ting - Occupational Therapist, Hong Kong
Sarah Lau - Occupational Therapist, Hong Kong
Jenny Houston - Dementia CNC Anglicare, NSW Australia
Leila Taylor - Warner Law Offices, USA
Huang Ya Nan - Architect
Seerat Shafi Hafiz – Student, Carer, India
Ceri Cameron - Carer for loved one living with dementia, Interior Design student, Dementia Australia Advocate, Business owner, Australia
Peter Baldwin - Registered Nurse, NSW, Australia
Saraswathy Venkataraman - Occupational Therapist, Consultant for Home Modifications for the Older Population, Caregiver Training Specialist (Gerontology), Advocate for Older Persons in the Community. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Elisa Müller - architecture student in France.
Nadia Licence - Dementia Liaison Manager in Aged Care, Australia
Elaine Fenton - interior designer, Canada
Kamla Bhoyraz - Clinical Lead Nurs,- Dementia Care Ashford & St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Carmen Quinones - Program Director Hope & Healing at Parker Jewish Institute - providing services and support to family caregiver of adults with dementia and a history of trauma. Caring for brother and aunt, USA
Tavonga Rizhibowa - Dementia Wellbeing Specialist, Australia
Mirjam Torenbeek - Dementia-friendly interior designer at Studio Torenbeek, located in Heerenveen, Friesland, the Netherlands
Alessandro Lanzoni - Occupational Therapist, AUSL Modena, UOC Disturbi Cognitivi e Demenze department of primary care, Italy
Catherine Tan - Interior Designer and Architect, Australia
Verity Walters - PhD student in physical environments and dementia. Dryslwyn, UK
Therese Doan - Professor, San Francisco State University, USA
Agostina Ferrentino - Architect and Researcher, Spain
Angela Lacey Court - Student Wicking Centre, University of Tasmania and Carer of a person living with dementia, Australia
Chris Fraser - RN , Facilitator, Dementia Australia, Australia
Catherine Tan - Architect and Interior Designer of healthcare projects and dementia-friendly spaces. Brisbane, Australia
Catherine Youngren - retired principal/owner of Catherine Youngren Interior Designers Inc., Coquitlam, British Columbia , Canada
Datin Jacqueline WM Wong - Vice Chair, CommonAge, Asia. An accredited organisation with The Commonwealth Secretariat. The Commonwealth civil society representative to the Commonwealth Advisory Committee on Health (CACH) officially from June 2024 for the next 2 years.
Nai Chia Ou - Nurse. Dementia care center, Taiwan
Shu-Chuan Chang, RN PhD - Chairperson of Nursing Committee, CEO office, Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Associate Professor, Tzu Chi University, Taiwan
Robyn Lewis - University of Canberra, Australia
Yaying LIU - Chief Operating Officer. Taiwan
Ya-Wen Lee (李雅文), RN, PhD. - Director of Nursing Department, Changhua Christian Hospital & Associate Professor of College of Medicine, National Chung Hsing University. Taiwan
Leo Lee – reflexologist, Taiwan
郭姿秀/財團法人全成社會福利基金會主任/社工員, Taiwan
Vivian Chi - occupational therapist, carer, Taiwan
tsai chi Lo - Taiwan
Roger Yau PhD - Deputy Director, Taiwan Holistic Care Evidence Implementation Center – A JBI affiliated group: researcher, educator, consultant; Taiwan
Professor Chi Cheng Yang - clinical neuropsychologist, Department of Psychology, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
Victor Regnier FAIA - Professor of Architecture and Gerontology, ACSA Distinguished Professor, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Professor, Researcher, Author, Designer. Living in Los Angeles, USA
Lee Mei-Yu – nurse, Taiwan
Tsuann Kuo - Associate Professor, Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan
Yeh, Shu-Hui RN,PhD - Professor, Department of Nursing Mackay Medical College, Taiwan
賴盈慈 台灣 - Taiwan
Tzung-Jeng Hwang - Associate Professor and Director, Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital and College of Medicine, Taiwan
Cindy Lu - carer, Taiwan
Shwu-Feng Tsay, PhD, RN, FAAN, FANNP(H) - Director-General, Department of Nursing and Health Care, Ministry of Health and Welfare; Adjunct Professor Rank Technical Expert, School of Nursing, National Taiwan University; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Health Services Administration, College of Public Health, China Medical University; Director, Taiwan Holistic Care Evidence Implementation Center – A JBI affiliated group: chief nursing officer, policy maker, educator; Taiwan.
Natercia Gomes - designer and researcher, UK
Dr Maria Aurora Fenech - Senior Lecturer, Department of Gerontology & Dementia Studies, University of Malta, Malta
Christianah Adesina - Doctor of Health Science Candidate, AUT, New Zealand
Dr Calvin Wing Luk PhD - Specialist clinician in Chinese Medicine, Architect, Research Fellow, Cofounder & Chairperson of Association for Universal Accessibility, Hong Kong
Oliver Ko - community Occupational Therapist, board member of Taiwan Alzheimer's Disease Association , Taiwan
Lesley Forster - advocate carer, Australia
Karen Opitz - Occupational Therapist, Australia
George Fenech - CEO for Older Person Standards Authority (OPSA); Malta
Evan Jones - carer, Digital Forest Creative
Fathima Samrin - student architect, India
Linda Richards - Carer of a parent with Dementia, Australia
Mingshan Shao - environmental designer, researcher, person living with dementia, carer, China.
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